Spiritual Self-Gaslighting

Have you ever had a spiritual experience that at the time was quite profound and exhilarating, only later to find that you second guess yourself? You start rationalizing that what you experienced was just your own emotions and patterns of thinking. It wasn’t a real experience but just your brain wanting to connect with something. I refer to this as spiritual self-gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a form of mental manipulation in which ones starts to question one’s own reality. Frequently this is seen in abusive relationships where the victim questions their own perception of events. Self-gaslighting is when we do this to ourselves. We begin to question if our own perceptions of situations were real with ourselves questioning this. We rationalize or deny our experiences, taking something that was authentic for us and casting it in doubt.  

This self-gaslighting can occur in a spiritual sense where we begin to deny our own spiritual experiences as inauthentic and something we have made up in our imagination. I believe that we do this because often we do not feel worthy, special, or important enough to have god come to us in such a personal and dynamic way.

I am a spiritual self-gaslighter. I can have very intense, emotional, mystical experiences and only hours or days later tell myself I was making it up in my mind. It was not real. It happened because I wanted it to happen. I had that experience because I know my trigger points and how to elicit such experiences. It was no more real than a dream. It is just a product of my mind and self-conditioning.

Just like normal gaslighting, spiritual self-gaslighting is our own saboteur trying to change the narrative we experienced and create a false one. This is a form of emotional abuse we cause to ourselves.

I want you to know this. Your spiritual experiences are real. They are valid. They are in essence YOU. Never let anyone question your own experiences especially yourself. We are our own worst critic. We have the potential to cause ourselves the most harm.  When the questioning and doubt arises, it is important to remind yourself that in the moment you experienced connection with the divine. It is authentic and real. Do not doubt your worth. Your experiences are valid.

I promise to not question my spiritual experiences in the moment they occur. I promise to not compare my spiritual experiences to others, accepting that what I experience is just as real and valid as the experiences that others have. I promise to accept experiences as they are and what I feel in that moment as connection to the divine. I will not question myself but feel blessed to have had these moments of union.

I hope you make this promise with me. Make it to yourself. You are worth it.

Blog Direction – Experiential Religion

Em hotep everyone. I know I have let this blog slide in the past few years. I will blame my own laziness, anhedonia, and letting secular life get in the way. It is hard getting time in for the spiritual when 40-hour work weeks, family obligations, home owner responsibilities, and being a full-time pug dad, all vie for your attention and time. However, I am making a revitalized effort to write more about Kemeticism and of course my Lord, Wesir, Son of Nut, the Lord of Silence.

As those of you whom have previously been readers of this blog know, I tend to take a more mystical approach to religion. I am enraptured by stories of Christian mystics, Sufi poets, Buddhist yogis, and those you lose themselves in god. This has led me to explore “shamanism” (for lack of a better word) and its relation to the Ancient Egyptians and how such practices may have been practiced by the priests of old.

This blog is going to continue on this direction, but won’t be an academic analysis. I believe that religion must be experienced. For me, it is not about belief but about action. I will be exploring what I call experiential religion. By this I mean that how Kemeticism manifests in our daily lives at every moment. While occasional theology can mix in, I firmly believe that experimental religion is diverse and multifaceted. I will discuss how that ecstatic experience can be achieved, and how it can transform our very core of being with union with the divine.  

I’m not trying to sound new age or anything. I’m not talking about higher self, enlightenment, or anything like that. I am talking about experiencing Netjer in a direct way, knowing fully that you are loved by Netjer, experiencing the raw awareness that is Netjer, and bringing that awareness into your life and those you interact with on a daily basis,

My Kemetic teacher, Rev Dr Tamara Siuda, once taught me that I represent my gods to all those I come into contact with. I bring Wesir to you with this blog, and to others through my everyday action. This powerful teaching can change the way you see the world and the way the world sees you.

My goal is to update this blog on Sundays. There might be a few I miss but I will try to stay on target. If anyone has questions, please do not hesitate to send them to me. Also, if you would every like me to expand on anything you read here, I am open to suggestions.

May Netjer bless you with their presence.


Purification Prayer #41

Yinepu, guardian of those souls arriving in the Halls of Ma’ati,
Be my advocate and protector in the Great Hall.
I have protected the children.
I have protected the poor.
I have protected the ill.
I have protected the disabled.
I have protected the elders.
I have protected those marginalized from society.
May my heart be in balance with ma’at during judgement and my life’s journey.
May nothing within my heart be heavy and may nothing within my heart be too light.
For when my heart is heavy, I will be weighted down and unable to overcome my own self,
And when my heart is too light, I will never find ground and be in touch with my life in the Seen world.
Yinepu, defend me with the ferocity that You defend my ancestors.

Purification #36 Prayer


“Ihy, sweet child of harmony.
Bring harmony to the nation of Kemet.
May always look after our words, tone, and meaning.
Whether those words issue from our mouths or through the written word, we are responsible for what we say.
May we look at other’s speech with patience, kindness, and compassion.
May we believe others come from this place as well.
O Ihy, grant me harmony in all my interactions with he Children of Netjer!”

Purification #20 and #21

P1010898A powerful prayer I wrote several years ago calling on Set to destroy isfet. It seems like an especially powerful prayer at this time.

“The Uncreated stands ready to destroy all I hold dear.
It is watching and ready to strike and allows its vile venom to flow to my heart.
It waits for the moment.
May I be steadfast.
May I protect myself, by protecting my brother.
May I treat my neighbor with love and compassion.
When thoughts of destruction and selfishness slither into my mind,
may great Set protect me and my family, slay the Uncreated,
and restore ma’at in my heart and home.”

Be Thou My Vision…


I enjoy Celtic hymns and find it as a way to honor my ancestors. I always find a way to make them blend well with my spirituality as below with the Irish hymn “Be Thou My Vision.”

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best thought, by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

High King of the Duat, my victory won
May I reach Amenti’s joys, O bright Midnight Sun
Heart of my own heart, whate’er befall
Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.


The Journey to Becoming

Wesir and Tut

Raheri, how many mountains must you face? How many stones will you stumble on?

How often will the same difficult paths and twisted discourses try to block you from your journey?

How often will you stagger? How often will you collapse under the weight of all the burdens you carry?

How often must the tears carve canyons into your face?

I the Silent One, the Living One, the One Who Lives Eternally, see and hear you.

I see the tear tracks. I see the bruises. I feel you hurt so deep. I know your pain. I know everything you endure.

You are innocent and pure. You are my son, and like the sun you shine brightly.

So Raheri, how many mountains must you face?

Till there are no mountains left in the valley left for US to climb.

Simple Gifts

Sometimes old American Shaker Hymns can bring you closer to Silence himself.
Image result for simple osiris
‘Tis the gift to be simple
‘Tis the gift to be free
‘Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be
And when we find ourselves in the place just right
It will be in the valley of love and delight
When true simplicity is gained
To bow and to bend, we will not be ashamed
To turn, turn, will be our delight
‘Til by turning, turning, we come round right